A podcast for new and early-career teachers

Launch into Teaching is for new and early-career teachers who want to become the next generation of outstanding practitioners. This isn’t a podcast about planning lessons, setting up a classroom or writing school reports. It’s about understanding the bigger picture of how schools work and exploring what makes a great teacher and colleague.

Hosted by Julia Padgett

Deputy Principal of Kilvington Grammar School

Support in the classroom

SEASon 4

The fourth season of the podcast is all about how to support yourself and those in your classroom. I’ll be interviewing a range of professionals about how teachers can manage their own wellbeing and learn more about student needs.

Episode 1

Janine Stratford – Staff wellbeing

Janine is the founder of Coaching Focus and was named by The Educator as a 2024 Most Influential Educator. She is a leadership coach, a career strategist, a trainer and facilitator of professional development programs, working with schools across Australia and New Zealand.

Her career in education spans 28 years as a teacher and deputy principal. Janine assists educators and school leaders to enhance their leadership capacity and advance their careers through leadership development programs and individual coaching.

In this episode, Janine and I discuss how to navigate difficult conversations with colleagues and parents. We consider how you might prepare for these. We also chat about leadership and searching out role models and mentors. 

Episode 2

Daniela Falecki – Staff wellbeing

Daniela is the founder of Teacher Wellbeing and works with schools to provide resources and build the capacity of staff. She has a background in positive psychology and has a coaching qualification.

Daniela has more than 25 years’ experience in the classroom as well as having lectured at Sydney University. Her workshops are a blend of high-energy humour and heart, designed to leave educators laughing, reflecting and equipped with practical strategies to thrive.

In this episode, Daniela and I discuss staff wellbeing. We chat about self-awareness, and how to manage your time and energy. She provides some excellent ideas about how to switch off from work, including having a shut-down ritual.

Episode 3

Emma-Rose Parsons – Student wellbeing

Emma-Rose is the director of Spectrum House psychology and Emma-Rose Consulting and is a co-director of the Paediatric Health Collective. She has worked in psychology for more than 20 years, both here in Australia and abroad. Emma-Rose consults at her psychology clinic and also works with school teams to help them understand neurodivergent students.

In this episode, Emma-Rose and I discuss how to support students who have individual needs. We talk about classroom strategies and how to find out more information about a student’s diagnosis. 

Episode 4

James Box – Student wellbeing

James is Deputy Principal at Rossbourne School in Melbourne. He has worked in regional and interstate schools, in primary and secondary settings. His most recent roles have focused on student wellbeing.

In this episode, James discusses his current school, Rossbourne, and explains the outcomes achieved by students and teachers. We chat about the importance of relationships with students and how they can be nurtured.

The VIT inquiry process

SEASon 3

This season is dedicated to moving from provisional to full registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching (VIT). I’m speaking to beginning and early-career teachers about how they found the process of VIT registration. I also speak with Linda Blakis, Professional Practice Manager at VIT, and ask her all about VIT registration, including what happens if an inquiry is audited.

Episode 1

Linda Blakis – How to navigate the VIT inquiry process

Do you know what happens if the VIT asks to audit your inquiry?

In this episode, I speak with Linda Blakis, the Professional Practice Manager at the VIT. 

We talk about the inquiry process and Linda explains all the ways the VIT can support both mentors and mentees. Plus, she answers lots of questions that beginning teachers often have about the process.

Useful links

Episode 2

Imogen – How the VIT inquiry enriched my teaching

Imogen focused on the use of assessment for her VIT inquiry.

As is the case in many VIT inquiries, Imogen found she also gained much more knowledge about other areas of her teaching practice than she had expected.

In this episode, Imogen discusses her inquiry, the role of student voice, and how her inquiry has led her to complete further studies.

Episode 3

Lyndon – How I organised and structured my VIT inquiry

For his VIT inquiry, Lyndon examined how written and verbal instructions in his teaching practice affected students. Such a simple yet powerful inquiry topic. 

Lyndon was recently awarded the History Teachers’ Association of Victoria’s 2024 Award for Excellence in History Education by an Early Career Educator.

Useful links

Starting at a new school


In this season, I speak with new and early-career teachers about their experiences of starting out at a new school and the lessons they learned along the way. Plus, I share some thoughts on the little bumps in the road that might pop up during those first few terms and explain how you can overcome them.

Episode 1

Little bumps in the road (Part 1)

Launch into the year with confidence. 

In this episode, I share some thoughts on the little bumps in the road that might pop up during the first few terms and explain how you can overcome them.

Hopefully, they’ll help you feel well prepared to navigate your new school journey.

Useful websites

Episode 2

Gabby – What I learned as a graduate in my first year of teaching

In this episode, I speak to Gabby, who has just completed her first full year of teaching.

We talk about the challenges she faced and how she overcame them. These include managing behaviour, learning new content and navigating the work/life balance.

Useful websites

Episode 3

Little bumps in the road (Part 2)

Launch into the year with confidence. 

In this episode, I share some further thoughts on the little bumps in the road that might pop up during the first few terms and explain how you can overcome them.

Hopefully, they’ll help you feel well prepared to navigate your new school journey.

Episode 4

Emma – What I learned about student engagement and wellbeing in my first three years

In this episode, I speak to Emma, who has been teaching for three years and is moving into a leadership role in 2024.

We talk about the best professional development she has undertaken and how she has developed her approach to student engagement and wellbeing.

Getting a teaching job


In this first season, I talk to professionals from a range of educational settings to find out how recruitment works in each of their sectors and what you can do to boost your chances of success.

Episode 1

Jacinta Sheridan – What you need to know when applying to a Catholic school

Do you know what’s required to win a job in the Catholic sector? What about RE accreditation – are you ineligible if you don’t have it? 

In this episode, I’m joined by Jacinta Sheridan, Deputy Principal and Head of Campus at St Francis Xavier College in Officer.

In addition to RE accreditation, we discuss Jacinta’s top tips for cover letters and interviews, including how to get the most from asking for feedback.

Useful websites

Episode 2

Tami-Jo Richter  – What you need to know when applying to a state school

When you apply for a teaching position at a state school, the selection criteria can seem daunting. Thankfully my guest in this episode has some great advice to help you address them with confidence.

Tami-Jo Richter has been the Principal of Dohertys Creek P-9 College in Truganina for five years.

She explains what research you should do before applying to a school. We also discuss tips for during the interview, including how to REALLY answer the questions.

Useful websites

Episode 3

Teagan Collins – What you need to know when applying to an independent school

Have you ever wondered whether independent schools hire beginning and early-career teachers? 

In this episode, I am joined by Teagan Collins, Associate Principal of Westbourne Grammar. She explains why beginning and early-career teachers are a valuable asset at independent schools. 

Teagan also explains why some schools include students on the interview panel. We also discuss the importance of body language in interviews, including how to address all the panel members.

Episode 4

Michael Horne – What you need to know when applying to a regional school

Are you thinking you might like to teach at a regional school?

Hear from Michael Horne, Principal of Hamilton and Alexandra College – an ELC to Year 12 day and boarding school – about what you should know in order to make an informed decision.

Michael discusses how to manage the transition to a regional area, the benefits of joining a small community and what the student experience is like at a boarding school. For early- to mid-career teachers, we chat about the leadership opportunities that can exist in regional schools.